Fayol's 14 Principle Conceptual study and MCQs


Henri Fayol, a renowned French management theorist, developed the 14 principles of management. These principles serve as guidelines for managers to effectively organize and manage their resources within an organization. Here is a brief definition of each principle:

Division of Work: Work should be divided and assigned to individuals based on their specialized skills and expertise.

Authority and Responsibility: Managers have the authority to give orders, and with authority comes responsibility for ensuring tasks are accomplished.

Discipline: Employees should follow established rules and guidelines and should be disciplined when necessary.

Unity of Command: Each employee should have only one boss to supervisor to avoid confusion and conflicting instructions.

Unity of Direction: The organization should have a single unified direction or goal to ensure everyone is working towards a common objective.

Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interest: The interests of the organization as a whole should take precedence over individual interests.

Remuneration: Employees should be fairly compensated for their work, considering various factors such as effort, skill, and market conditions.

Centralization: The degree to which decision-making authority is concentrated in the hands of top management.

Scalar Chain: There should be a clear and formal chain of command through which communication flows in the organization.

Order: There should be an orderly arrangement of resources and personnel to maximize efficiency and productivity.

Equity: Employees should be treated with fairness and justice to ensure a harmonious work environment.

Stability of Tenure: Employees should be given sufficient time to learn and adjust to their roles, promoting stability and reducing turnover.

Initiative: Employees should be encouraged to take initiative and contribute their ideas and suggestions to improve the organization.

Esprit de Corps: Promoting team spirit and unity among employees through effective communication, respect, and building a positive work culture.

Which principle of management emphasizes that there should be a clear line of authority from top to bottom in an organization?

a) Unity of direction

b) Scalar chain

c) Initiative

d) Centralization

Answer: b) Scalar chain


Which principle of management suggests that employees should be assigned to specific tasks and roles based on their skills and qualifications?

a) Scalar chain

b) Division of labor

c) Unity of command

d) Esprit de corps

Answer: b) Division of labor


Which principle of management states that there should be a unified and coordinated effort among employees to achieve organizational goals?

a) Scalar chain

b) Division of labor

c) Unity of command

d) Unity of direction

Answer: d) Unity of direction


Which principle of management suggests that decisions should be made after considering the opinions and ideas of others?

a) Centralization

b) Initiative

c) Unity of command

d) Esprit de corps

Answer: b) Initiative


Which principle of management highlights the need for a harmonious and cooperative working environment?

a) Centralization

b) Scalar chain

c) Unity of command

d) Esprit de corps

Answer: d) Esprit de corps


Which principle of management states that managers should have the authority to give orders, but also bear responsibility for their consequences?

a) Scalar chain

b) Initiative

c) Unity of command

d) Authority and responsibility

Answer: d) Authority and responsibility


Which principle of management emphasizes the need for fair remuneration for employees based on their contribution and performance?

a) Division of labor

b) Unity of direction

c) Equity

d) Discipline

Answer: c) Equity


Which principle of management suggests that there should be a clear and defined structure of roles and responsibilities in an organization?

a) Unity of direction

b) Scalar chain

c) Discipline

d) Division of labor

Answer: d) Division of labor


Which principle of management encourages employees to take the initiative in their work and come up with new ideas?

a) Initiative

b) Authority and responsibility

c) Equity

d) Centralization

Answer: a) Initiative


Which principle of management states that managers should treat their subordinates with kindness and respect?

a) Equity

b) Discipline

c) Division of labor

d) Esprit de corps

Answer: d) Esprit de corps


Which principle of management focuses on maintaining discipline and order in the workplace?

a) Initiative

b) Unity of direction

c) Discipline

d) Authority and responsibility

Answer: c) Discipline


Which principle of management suggests that there should be a clear and consistent flow of information within an organization?

a) Centralization

b) Division of labor

c) Scalar chain

d) Unity of command

Answer: c) Scalar chain



Which principle of management states that employees should be encouraged to work together and support one another?

a) Esprit de corps

b) Initiative

c) Discipline

d) Unity of direction

Answer: a) Esprit de corps


Which principle of management emphasizes the need for a balance between individual interests and the common good of the organization?

a) Unity of command

b) Division of labor

c) Equity

d) Scalar chain

Answers: c) Equity





